Will laser hair removal help with acne?

Laser hair removal can be a big help. By removing hair, you can substantially reduce the presence of acne on the face and body. Many customers report significant improvement. In addition, additional irritation from shaving can be avoided.

Although not a cure, facial laser hair removal treatment can, in some cases, help with acne.

Laser hair removal

helps prevent acne by eliminating two factors that can contribute to it. First, it removes the hair itself, which cleans the space in the pore and prevents repeated clogging. Secondly, it also eliminates the need for aggressive hair removal methods that worsen inflammation.

After the laser hair removal session, acne and pimples may appear on treatment areas, such as the upper lip, legs, armpits, or bikini line. This post-treatment outbreak is a side effect of pores opening due to the heat of the device and clogged with dead skin cells, dirt, and bacteria. As the body tries to remove these particles, it creates a pus-filled bubble in response. After laser hair removal sessions, acne may appear in the treatment area.

This side effect occurs when pores become clogged. Because the heat from the laser opens the pores, the skin will be sensitive to these very small infections. They happen the same way any acne would: Dead skin cells and bacteria can't escape, so they create a pus-filled bubble as the body tries to clear them. Then, part of the hair follicles contain fragments of dead hair, which the body tries to expel,” said facial plastic surgeon Kelly Bomer.

Below is a list of common laser hair removal side effects you can expect from your treatment, along with ways to fix or prevent them. Because lasers use the heat of light energy to destroy hair follicles, they can create blisters, just like a burn. Start by booking a consultation and we'll let you know what you'll need to safely remove unwanted hair. We've noticed that this is usually just a problem when you first start laser treatments, and it tends to occur less frequently after repeated sessions as more and more hair becomes thinner.

Permanent post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation can create a “burn mark” if a laser was used improperly during hair removal sessions. So why do patients get pimples after a laser hair removal procedure? The heat from the laser machine opens the pores of the skin, allowing debris to clog and create small infections that turn into pimples. Laser hair removal is thought to be a less invasive form of hair removal, but patients experience breakouts of acne and pimples after treatment anyway. In the days after laser hair removal, exfoliate the treatment area with a gentle scrub or scrub to prevent ingrown hairs and clogged pores.

When hair is removed from the follicle, the small opening in the surface of the skin remains open for a period of a few hours. If you find a permanent burn mark or scar that doesn't go away after laser hair removal, you should start by contacting your provider. Facial laser hair removal is the only permanent form of hair removal that will not only reduce acne, but will give the skin a smooth and smooth appearance. In the meantime, you can do a lot to prevent the worst side effects of laser hair removal by researching and choosing a quality provider.

Redness and swelling are common side effects after laser hair removal and are not permanent, so they are not a cause for concern. .

Madeline Talkington
Madeline Talkington

Hardcore zombie practitioner. Evil zombie specialist. Incurable social media maven. Extreme pop cultureaholic. Professional food specialist.